New Hope Charity

A purple circle with the words new hope and an image of sun.

247 Maple St, Attleboro, MA 02703, Boston

Taste of Home Abroad is proud to be associated with this amazing, life-changing charity.

We hope our pledge of $1 for every candy box sold will impact the lives of those most vulnerable in our community. We aim to generate awareness on behalf of New Hope and at the same time contribute a diverse portfolio of programs and services to survivors of violence. So, get ordering and let’s change lives …for the better!!!

Taste of Home Abroad & New Hope’s Vision

Why Is This Important?

Domestic and sexual violence cross all boundaries and are often intertwined. Anyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, ability, socioeconomic status, or education level, can become a victim of domestic or sexual violence. With this in mind, we understand that we can no longer only respond to violence after it happens. We must engage the broader community, as domestic and sexual violence are public health issues.

As such, ending interpersonal violence requires intervention on the individual, family, and community levels. Finally, such an approach requires that we examine the impact of larger systems, and how these systems allow interpersonal violence to continue and institutionalize such violence.

A new hope hotline with the logo for advocacy resources.
We're proud of our association.

You're Not Alone!

New Hope works throughout South-Central and Southeastern Massachusetts with those affected by domestic and sexual violence. By building an anti-violence movement, we seek to create communities free from violence, where individuals and families are able to achieve their full human potential.

As an organization dedicated to social justice, New Hope encompasses a way of seeing, naming, understanding, and acting aimed at addressing inequality and oppression across society.

Our vision is a simple one, “Every person has the right to live a life free of violence and exploitation.” New Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving those affected by domestic and sexual violence. Since domestic and sexual violence are often intertwined, our clients benefit from the full spectrum of programs we offer, allowing them to receive domestic and sexual violence services in one place.

We offer a wide range of services that combine crisis intervention, violence prevention, life transition, and self-sufficiency opportunities, while promoting behavioral and systemic changes to reduce violence at the individual and community levels.

Got a Question?

If you’d like to know more, need some help or have some feedback for us, please get in touch.